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Organizations that have signed our open letter.

Tenants deserve secure housing, and should not be forced to shoulder the financial burden of development— if developers were to pay the TRUE COST of their projects, they wouldn’t be as financially lucrative for corporate landlords.

- Lindsay B.

No Demovictions’ ACT NOW! demonstration on International Tenants Day on Monday, October 2nd was held at City Hall to ask the City and the Province to meaningfully address the irreversible damage being done to the stock of affordable housing through mass demovictions.

The stock of affordable purpose-built rental buildings in Toronto is currently being destroyed at an unprecedented rate, causing irreparable damage to an already limited pool of affordable housing, which contributes to soaring rent prices, gentrification, and the number of people experiencing homelessness.


Learn more about our full list of asks.

There are OVER 70 purpose-built rental buildings being demolished and re-developed to build luxury condominiums, which represents *thousands* of households competing for rental housing in an already tight, volatile market.


This means that thousands of people will have to choose between moving away from Toronto, seeking housing in secondary rental markets (e.g., condos), downgrading their current quality of housing, and/or experiencing homelessness.

Credit - Mika (or mikalogue on Instagram)_edited.jpg

The loss of purpose built rental apartments to demolition has an exponential impact on the rental market. Demolishing an occupied apartment reduces the number units available for rent, while simultaneously adding a tenant back into the market. Until the impact of the over 70 buildings being demovicted (and counting) has been evaluated to better understand the impact that displacement will have on communities, tenants, and Toronto’s housing, we are calling for a *moratorium on all demoviction applications*. This includes all applications that are pre-construction, including those that have been approved by City Council.





Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at 5PM
International Tenants Day

Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West

Demand action on profit-driven          demovictions and tenants rights



Sign our petition:

If you care about rental affordability, please sign this petition and share with your network. Demovictions don't just impact tenants being displaced, but the state of both short and long-term affordable rental supply. 


Add your name to our open letter:

Add your name or organization’s logo

to our open letter. Please see our full list of asks here, which will be included in our

open letter to the Mayor of Toronto and city

councillors. E-mail us to confirm participation.

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