Take action!
Tenants deserve secure housing, and should not be forced to shoulder the financial burden of development— if developers were to pay the TRUE COST of their projects, they wouldn’t be as financially lucrative for corporate landlords.
MAY 27th, 2024
19 buildings on a *single* block are set to be demolished in Toronto Centre (Ward 13).
The following demolitions and redevelopments equate to roughly 600 tenants being demovicted, a massive reduction in green space and parking, and undue stress to local infrastructure.
88, 135, 137-141 Isabella
561 Jarvis
5 Huntley
2-8, 102-120 Earl Place

Applications for some of these redevelopments will be heard at the Toronto East York Community Council on Tuesday, June 11th. This is our chance to make a difference. We demand that these applications are deferred until a transparent study can be done with full tenant participation. It is vital to ensure that development in the City of Toronto is done responsibly, balancing the interests of current and future communities.
Send an email to Community Council urging them to defer these items until a transparent study can be conducted.
Copy our pre-written email outline and provided City Councillor emails and write your own email! We highly encourage you to add your own personal experiences and why this matters to YOU!​