Join us in standing
up for tenants rights!
[Demovictions are] a regular occurrence in Toronto these days. There's a lot of buildings in fairly good repair that are getting torn down for a quick buck.
- Geoff Hayworth Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations
NOV, 2024
Join the Ontario Housing Coalition this National Housing Day alongside dozens of housing organizations who are committed to providing *solutions* to the housing crisis.
For those of us working on the front lines of housing crisis, we are tired of talking it and working in silos. It is time for real solutions.
Join a growing number of housing groups in Ontario who are coming together to provide solutions to the housing crisis, helping to advocate for change at a Municipal, Provincial, and Federal level.
Advocates have been providing common sense, inclusive, and sustainable solutions to the housing crisis for decades. It is time to amplify these solutions and start working together to combat the myth that it is an unsolvable problem.
Does your organization want to be a part of the Ontario Housing Coalition and provide solutions to the housing crisis? Please fill out our survey below:

MAY 4 & 5, 2024
Join us for Janes Walks, as No Demovictions and other tenant organizers share why we love our communities and celebrate our homes before they are demolished. Join our walks this weekend!

Since 2007, volunteers inspired by Jane Jacobs have led walking tours in, about, and for Toronto and the people who live here.
WHEN: Friday, May 3rd - Sunday, May 5th
WHERE: Across the City of Toronto
To see specific walks, click below:
APRIL 2, 2024
We gathered outside of Toronto City Hall on April 2nd to demand that a vital motion is passed.
Motions at this meeting (if passed) will slightly improve displacement for demovicted tenants *and* hold developers accountable for ensuring the long-term stock of rental housing in Toronto.
But City Planning stands AGAINST these motions and does not want them to pass.
Join us on April 2nd @ 12PM at Toronto City Hall to let them know that passing these motions is crucial!
WHEN: Tuesday, April 2nd @ 12PM
WHERE: Toronto City Hall (100 Queen Street West)
WHO: No Demovictions

THURS, NOV 9, 2023
We held our first open information session for tenants being demovicted. We let tenants know more about the process, their rights, and connected them with tenants who have already been through the process.

This session was for tenants who have received a demoviction notice but don't know what to do next. Roughly 5 new buildings joined us on Thursday, November 9th at 7PM on Zoom to start learning about how to advocate for their building and fellow tenants!
WHEN: November 9th at 7PM (EST)
WHERE: Zoom online meeting
MON, OCT 2ND, 2023
We came together on International Tenants Day, on Monday, October 2nd at 5PM, to demand immediate action from the City of Toronto to address profit-driven demovictions and tenants rights.
There are over 70 building applications in the City of Toronto that will demolish dense purpose-built rental buildings to build luxury condominiums.
This practice is a net negative for affordable housing in the City of Toronto for a number of reasons:
👉 We are demolishing the limited stock of affordable purpose-built rentals in Toronto at a rate faster than we are building them.
👉 It creates financial, emotional, and physical hardship for displaced tenants who are paying out of pocket for inadequate rent gap payments, are forced to find accommodation in a city where rental vacancy is at 1.7%, are removed from their communities and support networks, and experience high levels of emotional stress and anxiety due to uncertainty and instability.
👉 Bill 97 further erodes rental replacement by-laws, which may allow developers to not compensate tenants, not provide moving support, and not offer tenants a replacement unit in the new building after construction.
WHEN: Monday, October 2nd at 5PM
WHERE: Meet at City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
WHO: No Demovictions in partnership with tenant groups, organizations, and associations.
JULY 29, 2023
On Saturday, July 29th at 1PM, we organized a rally at 48 Grenoble Drive in Flemingdon Park to take a stand against profit driven demolitions in the neighbourhood.

Invest in our communities, stop displacement.
48 Grenoble Drive is a 9-storey building set to be demolished and re-developed, removing 109 rent-controlled affordable units from the neighbourhood in favour of luxury condos.
In addition, the Ontario Science Centre is set to be demolished and moved to Ontario Place, an expensive and unnecessary move that will cost millions of dollars. What do both of these developments have in common?
👉 They both prioritize the needs of developers over the needs of the community or local residents
👉 They produce unnecessary environmental waste at a time when there is a construction labour crunch
WHEN: Saturday, July 29th at 1PM
WHERE: 48 Grenoble Drive to Valley Park Middle School (12 minute walk)
WHO: No Demovictions and OPSEU Local 549
JUNE 3, 2023
On June 3rd as we stood in solidarity with the 'Enough is Enough' movement created by the Ontario Federation of Labour at Nathan Phillips Square.

We stand in solidarity with OFL, who are asking for
👉 Real wage increases
👉 Keeping schools and health care public
👉 Affordable groceries, gas, and basic goods
👉 Rent control and affordable housing
👉 Make the banks and corporations pay
WHEN: Saturday, June 3rd at 12PM
WHERE: Nathan Phillips Square
100 Queen Street West
WHO: Ontario Federation of Labour
APRIL 29, 2023
We protested outside of 55 Brownlow Avenue to stand against the demolition and displacement of over 200 people by Menkes Development.