No DemovictionsJun 114 min240 units voted to be demolished at Toronto East York Community CouncilAnother community council meeting, another set of buildings up for demolition. Despite desperate pleas from tenants who were eager to...
No DemovictionsApr 302 minJanes Walk: Community and Tenant Organizers Lead Walks in TorontoFor Janes Walk 2024, No Demovictions along with other tenant organizers are reflecting on city-building, discussing displacement...
No DemovictionsApr 243 minMotion Passes at Toronto City Council That Improves Outcomes for Demovicted TenantsThere was some exciting news coming out of City Council this past week, where Council voted to pass motions that would help address...
No DemovictionsApr 102 minMajor Win for Demovicted Tenants at the April 5th Planning and Housing Committee Meeting! No Demovictions were advocating for a motion to be passed that would use secondary market data to calculate rent gap payments...